How to excel JEE main 2018?

Outsmarting one of the toughest exams like JEE is no joke. Considering the current scenario of processing the fact that the Government is conducting only one common engineering exam – JEE for all Engineering Colleges including private Institutions is not an easy task. Crack through the impression that it is going to be a burden to get to the other side. Clear out the default scene set in your mind that you have to wrap your head around geeky books and get ripped by a tornado of worksheets and mock tests. It doesn’t have to be THAT bad. Here are some of the most important fundamental pointers that you need to imprint in your mind or you can also chant them as mantras.

1. Plan it straight to the ridge

“A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” – George S. Patton.

Something that is well begun is said to be half done. Hence begin with a proper planned out routine and make sure you stick onto it. You will appreciate the importance of this core-most step once your sub-conscious mind adapts the daily-routine-pattern embedded in your plan. In no time, you defeat redundant stress by taking over complete control of your schedule.


Take your own time while planning. Don’t waste paper though. Try My Study Life – School Planner application. You can download it from the app store.

2. Choose the right time

“It’s better to do the right thing slowly than the wrong thing quickly.” – Peter Turla

The best time to get the ball rolling is once you have covered 50% of your 11th syllabus. With such advanced planning the best resource you have is ample time. With more preparatory time in hand, comes self-esteem. With high self-esteem, you automatically tend to rule out the factors causing stress and fear.


Always, and always wear a watch. While studying, avoid using a mobile phone to keep track of time. It’s a trap. Do not fall for that deviation. The next thing you know, you’ll be tagging your best friend in a facebook meme.

3. Devise a strategy to understand your potential

”Keep your eyes on the stars but remember to keep your feet on the ground.” -Theodore Roosevelt

There are a total of three subjects with equal weightage and hence it’s essential to sufficiently work with each of them. This strategy for different subjects can be of special guidance. Along this process, analyze yourself to identify your strength and weakness. When you are competent enough to solve the questions from all the three subjects, try to gain expertise on your strongest part. This will boost your confidence. Download the JEE main syllabus.

Businessman drawing a map isolated on a white background

Game on!

4. Choose your study material wisely

Build today, then strong and sure, with a firm and ample base; ascending and secure. Shall tomorrow find its place. – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Use relevant study material. NCERT books are the most recommended source so far. You may also download them online. Click here for Physics. Here for Chemistry and Here for mathematics. Opt for a logical method of learning and not rote learning from the very beginning. Make sure you have an unyielding base in the subjects. Remembering formulas in maths and physics is a milestone faced by most of them. Once you are thorough with your formulas you can strike most of the sums without a doubt.


5. Constantly test your knowledge

Patience is the key. Remember the jugs fills drop by drop – Buddha

Solve maximum number of sample papers. This will help you increase your speed and efficiency. And while solving refer to the answer only if you have completely exhausted your limits. Use a stopwatch and keep a check on the time taken to solve each paper. It might be quite disheartening in the beginning but I assure you that you will pick up speed with time.


6. Adequate intervals of break is essential

Be practical. Understand well about your capacity to learn. Trying to do too much will cause stress and disappointment. Include some rest and recreation time. Studying three to four hours in a stretch can be tiresome. Frequent breaks, walking, exercising, staying hydrated and eating healthy can help you exhilarate yourself.

Classic Alarm clock

Don’t forget to set reminders! In most people’s opinion, moms are the best reminders.

7. Keep yourself healthy and hydrated

Cramming, testing jitters and anxiety leads to sleep deprivation. Reduced sleep negatively affects your brain capacity which will directly reflect on your results. Stay healthy.


Don’t leave any room for dehydration. Keep your energy level on point.

8. Yoga for concentration and memory power

Every work that we do, every movement of the body, every thought we think, leaves such and impression on the mind. – Swami Vivekananda

The moment you learn to relax your mind and body, the mind steers away from the clutter and you are able to think more clearly. The clearer your thinking is, the better your concentration levels will be. Follow the 12 yoga exercises for concentration that work wonders.


Give it a thought. The results might surprise you.

9. Close your eyes and say no to Social media

Just do it! No second thoughts.


You can later come back to social media with a bang. In other words, with a show-off JEE rank.

10. This is it. Keep calm and do well

On the day of exam start strategically skimming through the questions and strike the ones that you are most confident about. Read all the instructions that you need to know. And again, keep calm.

This is everything you need to know about JEE Main.

Exam pattern

Eligibility criteria

How to apply

JEE main exam dates 2018


It’s your turn to prove you’re worth. Do well. Good luck!

Are Coaching classes helpful?

Its natural tendency for students to rely on coaching centres for their preparations.

Here’s the reason why coaching classes are beneficial.

  1. It keeps you in line with the syllabus and a unique learning pattern.
  2. Coaching classes are time bound hence it doesn’t give you time for being lethargic.
  3. They help you analyze your strengths & weakness and polish your existing talents.
  4. Solving a hundred quality questions is more important than solving a thousand quantity questions which have not been selected carefully.
  5. Interacting with a relevant group of people can give you an edge over others in the competitive academic environment.
  6. Proper revisions and mock tests conducted in regular time intervals can help the students diagnose and warm up their knowledge accordingly.

Although coaching classes can enhance your performance by constant guidance , self-study should also be practiced alongside.

Enroll with Mahalearning Education for JEE preparation and leave the rest to us.

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MahaLearning Education‘s JEE coaching provides you a platform to account knowledge and skills from a large network of highly experienced educators / subject matter experts. Our extensive coaching process is structured and compiled in such a way that the students are confident to take up their competitive examination in a challenging manner.


Stress is a major threat to students enrolling for long-term coaching and it is prone to affect their rate of performance which mushrooms fear and leads to lack of confidence. MahaLearning Education aims to touchdown the root necessity of a student to develop a strong core-value and henceforth train students in a stress-free manner.

Go get that Engineering degree you deserve! Good luck!