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The factorial of 8 seconds is approximately one month. Take up our monthly tests to predict your performance and shape your confidence.
How is gold extracted from its ore? What happens when phosphorus acid is heated? Shoot all your doubts and get them clarified by our experts.
Stress is a major threat to students enrolling for long-term coaching and they are prone to affect their rate of performance which mushrooms fear and leads to lack of confidence. MahaLearning Education aims to touchdown the root necessity of a student to develop a strong core-value and henceforth train students in a stress-free manner.
JEE is one of the most prestigious examinations conducted all over India. The government is considering conducting only one common engineering exam- JEE for all engineering colleges including private institutions. The proposal is said to be implemented from 2018
JEE MAIN: The subjects included for JEE MAIN are – Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry.
This is everything you need to Know about JEE Main:
Introduced AIEEE / IIT JEE and taught in
Introduced Long Term TNPCEE (Anna University Entrance) and taught in: